Best WooCommerce Repeat Order Plugins + How-to’s & Tips

overview Overview
Every business hopes to convert its customers into loyal or regular customers. Depending on the type of online business you have, your customers might need to repeat their orders every day, week, or month. Now you can easily add this option to your WooCommerce store with the help of a repeat/reorder plugins.
This feature will optimize your site and make it convenient for your customers to repeat their orders with just a click of a button. So without further ado, let’s check out some of the best plugins in this category.
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military_tech Best WooCommerce Repeat Order Plugins
Simplify wholesale/bulk orders by changing the layout with the best WooCommerce Quick Order Form plugins.
1 Buy Again for WooCommerce
There are many reasons why customers would want to re-order products from your site. Now, although WooCommerce provides this feature by default, it is not convenient in terms of shopping. For example, what if your customers only want to reorder a few items from their previous or selected order, that is not possible without the help of this plugin. Moreover, it also shows a link in a single product page if the product was previously bought by the customer.
2 WooCommerce One-Click Order Re-Order
This WooCommerce repeat order plugin enables you to place orders for previously ordered products. You can exclude/include products from the previous orders with a few clicks. Moreover, you can display the order basket beautifully. It is also quick and easy to set up and works in real-time.
3 Repeat Order for WooCommerce
This free WooCommerce repeat order plugin enables you to add a “re-order or repeat order” button on the overview page instead of the Order details page. This is a great option for businesses dealing with complex orders, bulk orders, or resellers.
4 WooCommerce Repeat Order Plugin by Crevol
This is simple and effective WooCommerce reorder plugin that adds a “reorder” button in the orders listing page. This plugin is completely configurable. You can also place the repeat order button on multiple pages and configure the button as well.
5 Auto-Repeat Orders for WooCommerce
Suppose your customers want to subscribe to certain products that they want from your shop weekly or monthly. Now it’s possible with the help of this plugin. This plugin enables you and your customers to schedule their orders, ship, and repeat them, automatically.
6 WooCommerce Autoship Orders
This is another WooCommerce reorder plugin. Easily manage your repeat orders from the cart or checkout page with this plugin. Customers can set a frequency and add/remove items from their repeat orders. You can also send emails to customers before their auto-ship order is placed.
repeat_one Default Option to Manually Repeat Orders in WooCommerce
By default, WooCommerce enables customers to reorder their products by going to “Order details” on the “My Account” page. An “order again” button will appear below the orders. By clicking on it, customers are redirected to the cart page with the same items, where they can proceed to checkout.
Now, you must be wondering if WooCommerce provides this option out-of-the-box, why do we need plugins? WooCommerce repeat order plugins have features that can enhance the process and improve user experience.
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fact_check Wrap-Up
And there you have it! Some of the best WooCommerce repeat order plugins can help enhance the shopping experience for your customers and add convenience to your online store.