
LiveChat is one of the best WooCommerce customer service plugins available. It adds chatbots on your website to automate the customer service process and rapidly resolve as many issues as possible. It consists of unlimited features that are divided into different categories such as chat toolscustomer engagementreports and analyticssecurity, and much more.

Chatbots also help in generating leads, collecting tickets, and creating multiple channels for chatting. With LiveChat, you can also segment customers based on their behavior and offer them related services and products.

Features List:

  • Chat Tools consists of message sneak-peak, automatic responses, adding tags and labels, sharing files, etc.
  • You can customize the chatbot, agent profiles, and set languages.
  • Provides multiple chat channels such as SMS, Facebook messaging, chat widget and page, Apple Business Chat, etc.
  • Premade templates available to choose from.
  • Detailed reports regarding eCommerce, customer, agent, ticket, etc.
$ Premium Extension
Price: $20Month
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