Sumo Subscriptions is a fully comprehensive WooCommerce subscription alternative. It is a completely customizable subscription panel where the user can customize the subscription plan based on renewal, pause, cancellation, trial period, duration, and automatic billing. It also supports Stripe and PayPal for payments. Sumo Subscriptions is compatible with WooCommerce and WordPress and thus enjoys all the latest updates.
Features List:
- Master log to record all transactions
- Simple, variable, and grouped subscriptions
- Payment reminders sent to subscribers
- Discount coupons available for subscriptions
- Customers can downgrade or upgrade their subscription package
- Customers can pause, renew, or cancel their subscription
- Free trial and paid trial supported
- Stripe and PayPal supported
- Automatic subscription renewal supported by SUMO rewards
- Manual billing by any WooCommerce or WordPress supported payment gateway
- Regular license available at $49
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