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  4. WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export

WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export

Choose the best WooCommerce order export plugins and easily export your store's data in a portable file for third-party management tools.

This is the ultimate WooCommerce export order plugin that enables you to automatically export multiple files of orders, customers, coupons, and much more in CSV and XML formats. Files are exported even when you are completing other tasks or leave your site altogether. You can also create customized formats, such as adding custom fields, static values, or metadata.

This WooCommerce export products plugin does exactly what its name suggests. It has simplified the data transfer process by exporting files in a CSV and XML file format. You can either export the data individually or in bulk. It is also easy to send the exported data via email or other servers like FTPHTTP POST, etc.

All processes are completely automated, thus you can leave all the tedious work in background processing. It also lets you create custom formats to personalize the files further.

Features List:

  • Bulk export files in XML and CSV format.
  • You can manually transfer the exported data via HTTP, FTP, POST, and email.
  • You can create custom export formats and add additional fields and values.
  • Enable automated exports with recurring transfers feature.
  • You can also manually export files using filters.
  • Export customers, orders, and coupons in CSV and XML file format
  • Schedule exports to be sent to emails, FTP, or HTTP POST.
  • Create custom formats by adding new fields, metadata, and values.
  • Compatible with Checkout Add-Ons, Local Pickup Plus, etc.
$ Premium Extension
Price: $79Year
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